Candlelight: Bandas Sonoras Mágicas: egitaraua
- UP - Married Life
- Toy Story - You’ve got a friend
- Frozen - Let it go
- Pocahontas - Colors of the Wind
- Mulan - Reflection
- Mary Poppins - Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
- Mary Poppins - Feed the birds
- Cinderella - A dream is a wish
- Beauty and the Beast - Be Our Guest
- The Little Mermaid - Kiss the Girl
- The Little Mermaid - Under the Sea
- The Lion King - This Land
- The Lion King - Can you feel the love tonight?
- Willy Wonka - Pure Imagination
- The Avengers Theme
- The Mandalorian
- Pirates of the Caribbean
- Harizko laukotea - Musbika
Iraupena: 60 minutu (ateak 45 minutu lehenago irekiko dira)
Adina: 8 urtetik aurrera. 16 urtetik beherakoak heldu batekin joan beharko dute.
Eserlekuak iritsitakoan esleituko dira, erositako tiket motaren arabera.